Instrument Built
This is the first instrument
Stuart ever built. The current
condition is how it sat in Stuarts
office for several years.


First Spector
Bass Built
First bass made by Stuart.
One of two of this design.
Lined fretless w/ 26 "frets".
Walnut body walnut.
Maple neck-thru body
Ebony fingerboard.
This bass will be completely
restored to original in 2002
by Spector.


Second Spector
Bass Built
Second bass built by Stuart.
Second of two of this design.
26 frets. Walnut pickup covers
over DeArmond guitar pickups.
Walnut body walnut. Maple
neck-thru body Ebony
fingerboard. |


Third Spector
Bass Built
Third bass built by Stuart. Plate
on back indicates as Jan. 1976.
One of a kind design. Unlined
fretless maple fingerboard.
Mahogany body with paduak top.
One piece neck-thru maple neck.

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